Sunday, September 30, 2007

Finally an update!

So I'm already really bad at keeping this updated and it's only been a week! I had my 28 week OB appointment on Thursday and little Andrew seems to be doing well and thankfully my blood pressure is back in the normal range. I had to take the 1 hour glucose test this time and I'm really hoping I pass! I failed with Nicholas and I really, really, really don't want to take the 3 hour glucose test again. We should have the results on Thursday so I'll try and remember to post an update :)

Nicholas is being his normal cute, crazy self. He is in love with his new soccer ball and would kick the thing all day if we would let him. Today was also his first time visiting Nursery at church! He seemed to do pretty well, so we're hoping after a couple more weeks (once he's officially 18 months) he'll be ready to stay on his own the whole time. It's been so long since Ryan and I haven't had a baby to chase during the whole block that I'm not sure what we are going to do with ourselves during Sunday School and EQ/RS.

I still don't think Nicholas gets the idea that there is a baby in mommy's tummy. He FINALLY was still long enough to feel Andrew move, but he didn't even flinch when Andrew kicked him in the ear when he had his head laying on my belly this morning LOL! But he will give my belly kisses when we tell him to "give Andrew kisses" which is always very sweet. One of these days we may actually have the camera out and get a pic of him giving his brother kisses :)