Wednesday, December 19, 2007

He's here! Andrew's Birth Story and life with 2 after 5 days...

Andrew David Christensen
December 14, 2007 3:36am
7 pounds 3 ounces
20 inches long
13 ¾ inch head circumference

Andrew’s Birth Story
We got the call that a bed was available for my induction at 1:34pm on Thursday, December 13th. Ironically, this was nearly the same time and same day of the week we got a similar call for me to be induced with our first son, Nicholas, a week shy of 20 months ago. We got a few last minute things together, made sure my mom had everything ready to take Nicholas to my cousin’s house, and we were off to the hospital and got there around 3pm. We got checked in and were taken back to our room by 3:30pm. Things got off to a slow start. They didn’t have instructions from my OB as to whether to start Cervadil or go straight to the pitocin so rather than checking to see how far dilated I was, they waited for a call back from the OB and then checked me. I had made some progress since my last check, I was a full 2cm and 90% effaced, but Andrew had wasn’t engaged anymore and the resident put him at only a -3 station. They decided it was best to go ahead and start the pitocin rather than do cervadil, but because I was Group B Strep positive, they had to get a full dose of antibiotics through me before they would start the pitocin “just in case” I went quickly. So FINALLY at 5pm the nurse put my IV in and started the first bag of antibiotics. She told me they had to wait 2 hours to start the pitocin from the time the antibiotics were all through, so we should expect pitocin around 7:30pm. Bless my nurse, she actually suggested I eat dinner while we were waiting for the pitocin and with that I sent Ryan for my last preggo meal.

At 7:30pm the new nurse (Ailsie-I don’t know why but I just loved her name!) brought in the pitocin and we were on our way. At 9:50pm the resident came in and said the OB said if she could to go ahead and break my water to speed things up. I was disappointed but not surprised that I hadn’t made any progress since my initial check, but she was still able to break my water, and by the time she was finished with that I was a solid 3cm dilated. After that the contractions picked up, but Andrew’s heart rate was having decelerations that were concerning the nurse so on to my side I went. As I anticipated, once I was stuck on my side my hips and back started to hurt. I decided since I was making such slow progress and I wasn’t likely to be off my side anytime soon I should just get the epidural. I made a prediction at that time-12am epidural, 4am baby. I didn’t make it quite to midnight (the anesthesiologist was early), but at 11:30pm I got my epidural and like so many things that seem to be the same as my first delivery, we had the same anesthesiologist. We laughed about the chance of having the same doctor nearly 2 years later, and I told him he had done a great job with my first and I didn’t feel a thing and had every confidence that this one would be just good.-famous last words! So at 12:10am (now the 14th) the resident checked me and I was only 4 cm dilated-same slow progress as last time. About 1am the nurse brought in the oxygen mask-Andrew’s heart rate was staying down longer than they liked so it was time for the mask. At 2:25am the resident came in to place internal monitors to get a better idea how Andrew was really dealing with labor. I knew how this all went, all the same stuff happened the first time around so I wasn’t worried yet. It had been 2 hours since my last check and I had only progressed one more centimeter putting me up to 5cm. We had all resigned ourselves to Andrew not coming any time soon, so my mom and Amanda left so Amanda could get some sleep before the wedding she was in later that day. About 15 minutes later, I started feeling my contractions. I could feel the monitors inside every time I contracted which was different from the first time, and it kept getting worse. I had Ryan push the button to top off my epidural and it did nothing so I decided to page the nurse. I told her I was really feeling my contractions and lots of pressure so one of three things was happening-I had really bad gas, I had made super fast progress, or I was crazy. I was leaning towards gas as I'd been having issues with it all day. It was bad enough I was really having to focus and breathe to make it through my contraction so she said we would top my epidural one more time and if it didn’t help she would page the anesthesiologist to come back and dose me again. I made it another few minutes and the pressure was so bad I told her “I really think you need to check me, I feel like I need to push”. She said okay, though you could tell by the look on her face she thought I was crazy, and when she checked (now 3am) I was complete! In 35 minutes I went from 5cm to complete! I was shocked, as was the nurse, so we all frantically started making phone calls-the nurse to the resident and my OB and Ryan to my mom to tell her to get back ASAP if she wanted to make it in time. Next came the hard part-I had to spend another 30 minutes blowing through my contractions while we waited for the OB to get to the hospital. My mom got back to the hospital about 3:15am and right about 3:30am the OB arrived. Once the OB was finally there, I pushed through 4 contractions-feeling everything-and Andrew David was born at 3:36am. I always thought pushing out the baby’s head would be the most painful thing, but for me, his shoulders nearly did me in and I almost missed getting to pull him out the rest of the way because of the shock of the pain from his shoulders coming out. Thankfully, I did get to finish pulling him out and the idea that I got to be the first person to really touch my baby was just as wonderful as it was with my first. I did end up with a first degree tear, but with as quickly as I progressed I was surprised it wasn’t worse than that. Andrew had the cord around his neck which explained the heart rate issues. It really was a blessing I went fast so I didn’t end up with a c-section because of his heart rate-I knew from last time if it didn't get better that would be our next discussion. Andrew’s Apgars were 8 and 8 and I was able to breast feed him within just a few minutes of him being born. Everything afterwards went perfectly and all of the staff were fantastic. I really couldn’t have asked for a better experience this time around-even the post partum staff were great!

Life with Baby...

By 10am that morning I was ready to go home-I felt great! We didn’t get to come home until Saturday evening but everything during our stay was wonderful and it’s been the same since we got home. My back was a little sore from the epidural, but that and the worst of the after pains are gone already (5 days post partum) and aside from my 2 stitches being a little sore when I use the bathroom I feel great! Seriously, I never could have imagined things would go so well this time. Andrew is a wonderful baby and the best nurser! He’s such a content baby and for all my gender disappointment when we found out he was a “he”, I wouldn’t trade my baby boy for anything.

Andrew had his first pediatrician appointment Monday, December 17th and he was down to 6 pounds 8 ounces and his biliruben level was elevated so we had to take him in again Tuesday. Thankfully his biliruben level had already come down and his weight was up enough that they also cancelled his weight check for Friday!

Nicholas is doing great with Andrew. It seems I spend half the day letting Nicholas “hold” Andrew-it’s the sweetest thing ever. It’s amazing to me how attentive Nicholas is at only 20 months old himself (well, he’ll be 20 months in 2 days so close enough!) If I’m not standing right there when Andrew cries, Nicholas is coming to find me to tell me Andrew is crying “Drew Drew crying!” usually followed with “Nurse Drew Drew”. Oh, and did I mention Nicholas likes to pretend HE is using my breast pump? Yeah I’ve got to get a picture of that-it’s hilarious!
As always life has been a series of dramas since Andrew was born, but we’re not letting them ruin our baby moon. Everything right now is in Heavenly Father’s hands and we have faith that as we continue to push forward things will work out in time.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Finally moved!

Well to say the last 6 weeks or so has been crazy would be a HUGE understatement! The good news (well, sort of good I guess) is that we are officially moved out of our house and at my parents place. The inspection is supposed to be some time this week and they technically have 2 weeks to get us our deposit back, so we are anxiously awaiting the extra $$ to pay for hospital bills which we should be incurring any time now. I wish I could say all the moving put us closer to Andrew's arrival, but as of my OB appointment last week, I hadn't made much progress from the appointment 2 weeks before. I have another appointment tomorrow so hopefully I'll have made some progress this week. We will be scheduling my induction for next week too! I've been in a ton of pain the past few days so I am MORE than ready to get this kid out. I'm hoping with the pain I've been in my OB won't wait until Thursday to schedule me, but it will really depend on the hospital and how much progress I've made. Fingers crossed that Andrew will be here sooner rather than later! I haven't taken a belly shot since the last one posted on here which is now almost 13 weeks old, oops! I'll try and get Ryan to take one tomorrow, if we can find a camera. Stay tuned for an update after my appointment tomorrow!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Making the switch to cloth diapers!

We are very excited (yes, Ryan too) about finally making the switch to cloth diapers. I know, most people think we're crazy, cloth diapering is nothing like it was when we were kids (or when our parents were kids). Cloth diapers are now just as user friendly and convenient as disposable diapers with the added benefits of long term cost savings and less impact on the environment.

After finally doing the research for myself, I am finally starting to understand all of the options (which are nearly endless by the way!) cloth diapering has to offer and wanted to share some of the info I found most helpful in deciding what type of diapers I wanted to start using. By the way, we've decided that One Size Pocket style diapers are what we are going to start with. Yes, this means I will be able to use the same diapers on Nicholas AND Andrew :)

Here is the website I found most helpful:

I recommend starting with the Dictionary Page and the How To's/FAQs Page

Diaper Swappers and Diaper Traders are also great sites for WAHM (work at home mom) made cloth diapers and buying/selling/trading cloth diapers as well as great advise from other Cloth Diapering moms.

If you ever have any questions about cloth diapering, please ask! If I don't know the answer I can definitely find out for you :)

A few really nice sites I've used for ordering new Cloth Diapers are:

Since the question keeps coming up...

I posted a list on the side bar of gift ideas for Christmas and Andrew's baby shower. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask :)

And here we go again...

Things are kind of in an upheaval right now. We were hoping Ryan would be able to keep his job at Insight until Andrew was here, but that is no longer an option :( We're still hoping he will get on with Surprise PD (he's testing with them in mid-November), but in the meantime we are job hunting again. Any thoughts and prayers that we'll find a job soon and that our house will lease quickly are very appreciated.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Finally an update!

So I'm already really bad at keeping this updated and it's only been a week! I had my 28 week OB appointment on Thursday and little Andrew seems to be doing well and thankfully my blood pressure is back in the normal range. I had to take the 1 hour glucose test this time and I'm really hoping I pass! I failed with Nicholas and I really, really, really don't want to take the 3 hour glucose test again. We should have the results on Thursday so I'll try and remember to post an update :)

Nicholas is being his normal cute, crazy self. He is in love with his new soccer ball and would kick the thing all day if we would let him. Today was also his first time visiting Nursery at church! He seemed to do pretty well, so we're hoping after a couple more weeks (once he's officially 18 months) he'll be ready to stay on his own the whole time. It's been so long since Ryan and I haven't had a baby to chase during the whole block that I'm not sure what we are going to do with ourselves during Sunday School and EQ/RS.

I still don't think Nicholas gets the idea that there is a baby in mommy's tummy. He FINALLY was still long enough to feel Andrew move, but he didn't even flinch when Andrew kicked him in the ear when he had his head laying on my belly this morning LOL! But he will give my belly kisses when we tell him to "give Andrew kisses" which is always very sweet. One of these days we may actually have the camera out and get a pic of him giving his brother kisses :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Tuesday!

Not a lot going on in these parts today. Nicholas went down the slides at the park yesterday by himself for the first time! It's been too hot to take him to the park all summer so we finally ventured out yesterday after Ryan got home from work. It was last minute stop on our way back from getting mail so I didn't have the camera with us, but we'll go back and take some soon. Nicholas loves being outside so the cool down in the weather is a welcome change for us! I feel like we've been stuck inside since May!

I have my 28 week OB appointment on Thursday where I get to take the dreaded 1 hour glucose test. I'm hoping I pass this time, I don't want to take the 3 hour test again! Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Welcome to the Christensen Family blog! Since we seems to be the only family with out a blog, I figured it was a good time to get started. With family and friends spread so far away we hope this will give people a chance to keep up with us and our soon to be 2 sons! It's hard to believe Andrew will be here in less than 3 months! I still don't think Nicholas understands there is a baby in mommy's tummy, but it's still cute to see him give my (ever expanding) belly kisses :)
Thanks for checking out our family blog!